Music for a while
Music for a while
Compl. Titre
Improvisations on Purcell
AuteurPurcell, Henry  (Auteur)
Jaroussky, Philippe  (Auteur)
Pluhar, Christina  (Auteur)
[L']Arpeggiata  (Auteur)
Editeur Warner , 2014
Prix25,39 €
Langue Edition français
Contient :
Twas within a furlong
Music for a while
Strike the viol
An evening hymn upon a ground
In vain the am'rous flute
A prince of glorious race descended
O solitude, my sweetest choice
When i am laid in earth
Wondrous machine
Here the deities approve
Ah! belinda
Hark! how the songsters of the grove
One charming night
Man is for the woman made
O let me weep
Curtain tune on a ground
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